October is the Fostering Network’s ‘sons and daughters month’. We feel it is really important to mark this month again this year as a celebration of what the children who live in foster families do to help children who become a part of their family. All of us at AFA really appreciate what you do

Our group fostering friends has been designing a board game this year. We will publish more on here once the game is produced later this month. After this, your Placement Manager will have a copy of ‘The Game of Ups and Downs’, so do ask them to play it with you.

We are also gathering recipes together for a cook book.  We are also looking for designs for a cover to the cook book. Please get creative with a photo, drawing or on the computer and either send us these by email on [email protected] by post or give them to your Placement Manager.  Also, if you have any recipes you would like to share, please send these to us by email or again give them to your Placement Manager. Maybe you could draw a picture or take a photo of your finished dish to go with it? Please could we have any of these by the end of October

We look forward to seeing all your creations!
